People have a right to access to affordable, high-quality education. Below you can find data sources to help determine your access levels and related resources.
ACCESS TO education
Having access to education does not just mean that there is a school nearby. It means that the schools provide transportation, meals, technology, teachers, and opportunities for advancement. Public schools in overburdened communities typically do not have the same resources as high-income area public and private schools.
All children should have the opportunity to go to school in kindergarten and continue until high school completion. All students should be able to reach achievement levels in all subjects. All students should have access to opportunities for enrichment (field trips, technology, career exploration, quality after-school programs, summer-school programs).
Cost is a large barrier for attaining a high-quality education. Some schools require student responsibility/payment for extra resources. Students that do not have access to the same opportunities as their peers are are disadvantaged from a young age.
U.S. DOE Office for Civil Rights—State Profiles provides the following downloadable information:
Number of districts and schools
Number of students enrolled (preschool-12) and student demographics
Courses and programs (e.g. students enrolled in Advanced Placement/AP, English learner programs, dual enrollment, SAT/ACT participation)
Student to teacher ratios
Access to teachers and support staff (school counselors, nurses, psychologists, social workers)
Student retention (repeating a grade)
Student discipline and school climate (e.g. school-related arrests, school suspensions, harassment or bullying, physical restraint instances)
NCES—School District Navigator allows you to search by county or school district to view the types of public schools offered in your area.
Special education: education that adapts curriculum for hard of hearing, deaf, speech, health, intellectually/psychologically impaired, handicapped
While most schools are federally required to give special help to disabled students, level of service can vary based on district funding. Disabled students with the financial means to seek out specialized care often experience greater educational attainment.
Career & technical: education in semi-skilled technical operations
Traditional colleges or 4-year universities are not an option for many students after high school. Having access to these skills before graduation can significantly help students enter the workforce.
Alternative education: address needs that cannot typically be met otherwise, nontraditional education, or adjunct to regular school
Traditional public schools do not always work for all students. Many students require specialized educational environments, such as noncompetitive performance assessments (different grading formats) or less structured classrooms.
Charter & magnet: academic or social focus schools, typically offer specialized interest education, such as STEAM (science, technology, arts, math) programs, or the opportunity for dual enrollment (college credits in high school).
NCES— Interactive Map allows you to explore conditions and demographics, including economic, social, and housing factors, for school-aged children in your area.
For example, you can determine the percentage of children enrolled in public school without health insurance, with no household vehicle, or percent with disabilities.
Instructions: Open Site > Click Population Group in the top tool bar on the left-hand side > Select Children Enrolled - Public > Expand indicator selector (orange bar) to select Conditions on the left-hand side > Search school district or location using the tool bar on the right-hand side > Percentages will be displayed as shades of purple.
To export this data: Save the webpage as a PDF file. If using Google Chrome > Choose File (top menu bar) > Print > Change Destination from printer to Save as pdf > It will be saved to your desktop.
You can also choose to share map selection through email or a link > Click the three dots icon on the far right hand-side.
state report cards
State-specific district report cards allow access to district and school-specific data on academic achievement, graduation rates, school climates, etc. Most states provide comparison data between districts and schools.
Must download “Report Card Navigation Infographic” to access data, or choose between the listed school systems located below the PDF.
after-school care
The Afterschool Alliance Interactive Map displays the level of unmet demands of children in U.S. states, including information on federal and state public funds for before-school, after-school, and summer-school programs.