ACCESS TO PUBLIC BENEFITS: shelter assistance

People have a right to access public benefits. Below you can find data sources to help determine your access level.

Shelter assistance refers to government programs that help people with low-income afford housing. Affordable housing typically refers to subsidized housing, meaning that the government pays private apartment owners to offer reduced rent to low-income tents. Some apartments or housing units may be partly subsidized, meaning only a portion of the units are affordable. Public housing is usually owned by the government or local Public Housing Agency (PHA) and have more specific eligibility criteria and income limits. Affordable housing aims to provide housing options for a broader range of income levels.

Housing Choice Vouchers, commonly referred to as Section 8 (from the federal Housing Act), are a form of shelter assistance funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Vouchers are typically administered by local PHAs. Voucher participants are not limited to units located in subsidized housing projects but must find a suitable housing unit where the owner agrees to rent under the program. The PHA pays the landlord a housing subsidy on behalf of the participants, and participants pay the remaining balance. In general, participants’ income may not exceed 50% of the median income for the county/metropolitan area. A PHA must provide 75% of its voucher to applicants whose incomes do not exceed 30% of the area median income. Since the demand for assistance often exceeds the resources available, long waiting periods are common. A PHA may close its waiting list when it has more families on the list than can be assisted in the near future.

See Access to Affordable Housing Data, Housing Choice Voucher Facts for more information.


The HUD Assisted Housing Query Tool allows users to get detailed information on HUD activities in their state, county, and ZIP code area (some census-tract information is available), as well as demographic information.

The HUD Resource Locator shows a map of affordable and subsidized housing opportunities in the selected area, local public housing authorities, housing for low-income elderly, and individuals with disabilities.

Center on Budget & Policy Priorities Instructions: Open Site > Click on your state > Download PDF to show state facts on rental assistance.

Housing Voucher Data Instructions: Open Site > Scroll down to Housing Choice Voucher Utilization Data > Select year > Select state > Select agency

See Find Your Local Public Housing Agency.


Federal Rental Assistance State Fact Sheets provide data on:

HUD Assisted Housing Query Tool Instructions: Open Tool > Scroll to Query Tool > Select a Summary Level (county or ZIP code) > Select a Program (i.e. Public Housing) > Select a Variable (i.e. Subsidized units available) > Select Get Results.

A table displaying your selected variables will appear. Users can choose multiple variables at once. For example, if you chose subsidized units available, you could also choose, % of very low income and average months on waiting list to better understand the demographics and needs of your area. Data can be downloaded in Excel.