My community is a Low food access, low income area. what can we do to improve food security?

This is often the most challenging form of food insecurity, where communities face the dual challenges of insufficient funds and the absence of accessible food sources. Long term steps to solve community poverty are considered necessary. In the short and medium-term, consider the following options.

The PolicyMap tool can help determine whether there is market potential for a grocery store. Specifically, it shows areas in which distance to the nearest supermarket is much farther than wealthy areas of a similar population density. Wealthy areas are used as a point of comparison because they are typically already served by multiple of nearby food stores. This is a way of identifying areas that have the population and customer base to support a supermarket that is closer than the current closest one. From an equity perspective, the main difference between these underserved areas and similar places with closer supermarkets is likely wealth.

PolicyMap Instructions: Open tool > A login window will pop up. Click the orange x in the right-hand corner of the window to access the free content > In the toolbar above the map, click Quality of Life > In the toolbar that pops up, click Food Access and Local Foods > Click Reinvestment Fund Limited Supermarket Access > Select the Limited Supermarket Access (LSA) designation.

Purple areas are where people need to travel almost 2x as far (or more) to the nearest supermarket as people in similar density wealthy neighborhoods. Dark purple areas have high populations and could likely support a supermarket. Mid purple areas have fewer people, but could likely support additional small or midsize food stores. Light purple areas are rural and may require more creative solutions, such as mobile markets.

  • If your area is dark or mid purple on this map, you may have the population necessary to support additional food options, such as a low-priced supermarket.

  • If your area is not dark or mid purple on this map, your area is likely in need of nonmarket, charity food sources. Food banks, churches, and other providers of free or cheap food may need to expand their operations.